Billy Collins's poetry is far more conventional than the poetry I usually read. I feel like I shouldn't like it as much as I do, but it's like sitting back and watching a well executed Hollywood blockbuster, or better yet, romantic comedy. Collins's latest book is slightly darker in tone than som...
I have never really liked a book on poetry before, until now. Not only do I like this collection, I absolutely love it! I want to read it all over again, and out loud. My copy is only an ebook, and I'd love to own it in print someday, so that I can bring it with me anywhere, and read it to any fr...
I am a book addict. I own thousands of them. They fill most rooms of my house, many closets, my garage. They are stacked high by my bedside, on the hamper in the upstairs bathroom, in the backseat of my car. I take a book with me most places I go. I buy books all the time but I have gotten a litt...
His poems make me smile, sad, introspective, happy, pensive, feel alive. But most of all they make me want to write better poetry myself. How can you not love this:THE TROUBLE WITH POETRYThe trouble with poetry, I realized as I walked along a beach one night -- cold Florida sand under my bare fee...
I'd read all of Collins's collections except for this one and the most recent.I can say I enjoyed the book in a very general way, but I'm left thinking: Hmmm... Isn't this a little dumbed-down? Is it really what I think of when I think (eek!) "poetry"? I generally like early Collins better than ...
The cover and the title of this collection are both misleading. Very misleading. The collection is divided into four parts. Of the four parts, only one (the second part) reflects what the cover and title would suggest - that is, a poetry collection dealing with religious themes. And even in the s...