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Betty Ren Wright

Betty Ren Wright
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Books by Betty Ren Wright


Christina's Ghost (1987)

I just finished reading this book called Christina's Ghost. I completely loved the book! Out of a 1-10 I would most definitely give it a 9! I liked this book because it was full of mystery; it has to do with a murder that happened 30 years ago. Christina has to spend the summer with her uncle Ra...

Christina's Ghost (1987) by Betty Ren Wright

Crandalls' Castle (2005)

Confession time. I am an adult who enjoys reading teen fiction. I don't mean Vampire Academy style, though some of that is okay. I mean Goosebumps and Betty Ren Wright.My best friend recently suggested we read The Dollhouse Murders together and so I picked up Crandalls' Castle at the same time.Th...

Crandalls' Castle (2005) by Betty Ren Wright

The Dollhouse Murders (1995)

Twelve, almost thirteen, year old Amy Treloar lives in Claiborne with her father, mother, and eleven year old sister Louann who is brain damaged and attends Stadler School for Exceptional Children. Amy’s new best friend at her school is Ellen Kramer whose family has just recently moved to town. ...

The Dollhouse Murders (1995) by Betty Ren Wright

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