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Beth Gutcheon

Beth Gutcheon
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Books by Beth Gutcheon


Five Fortunes (2005)

I picked this book up since I just finished another of Beth Gutcheon's books, More Than You Know, and liked it quite a lot. But this book is nothing like that one. Although the jacket description sounded interesting (5 women meet at a week-long stay at a spa, and we learn about the dramas in ea...

Five Fortunes (2005) by Beth Gutcheon

More Than You Know (2005)

This book should serve as the blueprint for how *all* ghost stories should be written. At least one of the main characters should be the restless spirit in question and at least show glimpses of how they once lived. Part of the thrill of any quality ghost fiction should be watching the path of th...

More Than You Know (2005) by Beth Gutcheon

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