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Augusten Burroughs

Augusten Burroughs
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Books by Augusten Burroughs


Sellevision (2003)

I am not a fan of Augusten Burroughs. I think I can specifically remember the moment when I decided this. I was standing behind the counter at the Borders I was working for at the time reading Dry, Burroughs' retelling of his time as an Ad Exec and alcoholic, when I read a paragraph that struck...

Sellevision (2003) by Augusten Burroughs

Dry (2004)

Brilliant, esp. if you have a dark, inappropriate sense of humor. A memoir of a gay ad man struggling with alcoholism.Some kindle quotes:He tells me how once he [the author's undertaker friend] had a female body with a decapitated head and the family insisted on an open casket service. “Can you i...

Dry (2004) by Augusten Burroughs

Running with Scissors (2003)

(Today's review is much longer than Goodreads' word-count limitations. Find the entire essay at the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography []. I am the original author of this essay, as well as the owner of CCLaP; it is not being reprinted here illegally.)I've mentioned here...

Running with Scissors (2003) by Augusten Burroughs

Magical Thinking: True Stories (2005)

03/06/2014 RE-READI am going to describe each of these stories for you in a Victorian Chapter Title. Because it's fun. :)1.) Commercial Break. In Which Young Augusten Is Selected to Be In a Tang Commercial, But Discovers He is Horrible At Acting.2.) Vanderbilt Genes. In Which Young Augusten D...

Magical Thinking: True Stories (2005) by Augusten Burroughs

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