Rating overviewWriting: ★★★(★)Story: ★★★(★)Characters: ★★Overall: ★★★ (3)~~~This was an interesting read, it features Jonah's outing as a gay man to his family over the course of the eight days of Hanukkah and him falling for Ethan who he had problems with back when they were kids. Alongside ther...
Oh my...enjoyed this so much...I went straight into the sequel last night and didn't even think to mark this one "read"!!!! I am happy to say that I have truly come to a better understanding of the Jewish holidays...and all that they entail due to this book! It is always great to find a story t...
3.5 stars, rounding up to 4Astrid Amara herself says in her dedication that this book has a "ridiculous plot", and I more or less agree with her. Nonetheless, it's a fun way to waste an hour or two.I enjoyed both of the MCs, Seth and Lars, more in this book than in Carol of the Bellskis. It may j...
Zach needs to deliver his grandmother's car to her new home in Colorado. He's invited his relatively new boyfriend of six months along for the ride. Austin wants to move their relationship to the next level and get a place together but Zach is worried that they're moving too fast. He's hoping tha...
I'm not actually sure I'd give this book 5 - probably more like 4 - but I'm jumping it up here to offset what I see as unduly low reviews, because I think this is a good, solid read, definitely up there with most that are rated 3.5 or 4 or 4.5 in this genre, and well worth reading, especially (bu...