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Arnold Lobel

Arnold Lobel
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Books by Arnold Lobel


The Frogs and Toads All Sang (2009)

This is a short collection of poems about frogs and toads written by the late Arnold Lobel, the author of the beloved Frog and Toad stories. The poems were discovered by his daughter, who is the illustrator of this collection. I read three of the poems--"The Frogs and Toads All Sang," "Made for T...

The Frogs and Toads All Sang (2009) by Arnold Lobel

Mouse Soup (1983)

I don't remember reading Arnold Lobel's Mouse Soup for the first time. The publication date is 1977, so it has to have been sometime around then. I vaguely remember having it on a record, one of those that *ding* when you have to turn the page.I do not remember the last time I sat down and read t...

Mouse Soup (1983) by Arnold Lobel

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