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Arnold Bennett

Arnold Bennett
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Books by Arnold Bennett


How to Live on 24 Hours a Day (2006)

I am not normally drawn to philosophy, which seems to me, like religion, to get caught up in eddies of meaningless dispute. Nor am I drawn to self-help, which seems to be one or two good sentences surrounded by a tremendous amount of padding. Sometimes, not even one good sentence. Anyway, I ha...

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day (2006) by Arnold Bennett

The Old Wives' Tale (1999)

A simple concept of parallels and contrasts in the lives of sisters, carefully told with gentle irony. It starts in 1864 when Constance and Sophia are 16 and 15 respectively and follows them to the end of their lives. Book 1 covers their teenage years together above and in a draper’s shop in a sm...

The Old Wives' Tale (1999) by Arnold Bennett

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