I could only take so much unemotional bluntness about life's misery in India. As the short stories wore on, the shock value lost its effect, and I just found myself hoping for some kind of beauty, hope, or love to be put up against the backdrop of the invented city. It felt a little bit like pho...
Aravind Adiga’s first novel, The White Tiger, won the 2008 Mann Booker Prize. The same year, Between the Assassinations, a collection of inter-related short stories, was published – with most of it, if not all, being written before The White Tiger. Thus, his "second" book provides a look at the i...
I've always struggled a bit with short stories, as I've mentioned in my reviews before, however I engaged with this more than I thought I would. I still found it slightly frustrating that I didn't get to engage with the characters in more depth or find out their back or indeed future stories, but...