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Anthony Doerr

Anthony Doerr
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Books by Anthony Doerr


About Grace (2005)

About Grace is the first novel from Boise, Idaho based author, Anthony Doerr. He previously published a collection of short stories, The Shell Collector, which were both moving and gorgeous. One of the qualities of the stories contained in The Shell Collector, i.e., each story's deep connection...

About Grace (2005) by Anthony Doerr

The Shell Collector: Stories (2003)

I was lead to The Shell Collector directly by the author’s current best seller All the Light We Cannot See. On a certain level, the books have similarities: blindness and nature and objects with magic properties. But I found my interaction with the two books to be very different. With Light I was...

The Shell Collector: Stories (2003) by Anthony Doerr

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