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Annette Curtis Klause

Annette Curtis Klause
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.71

Books by Annette Curtis Klause


Blood and Chocolate (1999)

This book read like some teen soap opera, and definitely not of the good kind. The “heroine” Vivian was some stupid teenage drama queen and it looked like stuff was made up over the course of the story without paying attention to consistency and believability. I know how old the protagonist is su...

Blood and Chocolate (1999) by Annette Curtis Klause

The Silver Kiss (1992)

Before I start dissing and what not on this book.... People who have fell in love or enjoyed this book, I recommend NOT reading this review. I don't plan on hurting people's feelings, I'm only here to give my opinion of the book. Which I have done. So sorry before hand, but hey, What'cha gonna do...

The Silver Kiss (1992) by Annette Curtis Klause

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