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Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Anne Morrow Lindbergh
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Books by Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Against Wind and Tide: Letters and Journals, 1947-1986 (2012)

needed footnotes in the body of the book vs end of the book as shown in the Kindle- the only challenge I've ever had ona kindle in 5 yrs of being the Kindle poster child. Intrigued to read this after loving "The Aviator's Wife,". "AW" holds pretty true (except some revelations near C's death) Tru...

Against Wind and Tide: Letters and Journals, 1947-1986 (2012) by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Gift from the Sea (1991)

I discovered this little book at a beach house in Yachats, OR. A bit simplistic but resonant, particulary since I read it as it was written: in solitude at the sea."Yeats once said that the supreme experience of life was 'to share profound thought and then to touch.' But it takes both.""And when ...

Gift from the Sea (1991) by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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