the speed of light (la velocidad de la luz), javier cercas's 2005 novel, is an ambitious work that confronts a number of significant themes, including success, friendship, memory, forgiveness, and the legacy of the vietnam war. spanning some seventeen years in the life of its semi-autobiographic...
The Tango Singer is a wonderfully resonant tour of Buenos Aires, its labyrinthine streets and twin histories: the political and the literary. Our narrator is Bruno Cadogan, a PhD student who travels to the city to research his thesis - a study of Jorge Luis Borges' essays on the origins of the ta...
Speaking of pantheons, , the most ironic phrase I know—perhaps the ironic phrase par excellence--is the epitaph Marcel Duchamp wrote for his own tombstone:D’ailleurs, c’est toujours les autres qui meurent.(After all, it’s always other people who die.) Aaaahhh. What a delight both in itself and a...