This mystery revolves around sisters, Patricia Ann and Mary Alice, who are complete opposites. One is skinny, skinny, while the other is heavy set. One has been married for years to the same man, one has been married three times (all husbands have passed away). Yet, they seem to be friends in ...
2.5 stars.Anne George, the author of this series, was an old Southern woman. And reading these books is very much like sitting down and having a conversation with an old Southern woman. Which is a nice way of saying I rather think she was ignorant and slightly homophobic. Not only this but she tr...
Number 3 in the Southern Sisters Mysteries is just as delightful as the two preceding ones were. The basic premise is the same-a murder occurs, the sisters get involved when they never should be because it's NONE of their business, but they don't seem to be able to help themselves. In the end the...