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Ann Wertz Garvin

Ann Wertz Garvin
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.48

Books by Ann Wertz Garvin


The Dog Year (2014)

Okay, so once in a while you can enjoy chicklit. And when the story is interesting, with quirky characters and some funny lines, go ahead and read. But Ann Garvin, as good a writer as she is, can be a sloppy one. And were it not for that it would have been worth 4 stars.So Luscious, Lucy to ever...

The Dog Year (2014) by Ann Wertz Garvin

On Maggie's Watch (2010)

On Maggie's Watch is far beyond "chick lit". This book is both funny and poignant. It is incredibly well written and addresses its conflicts in an engaging and relatable style. The relationships are so dynamic and the protagonist's perspective on each of her cohorts and even herself is honest and...

On Maggie's Watch (2010) by Ann Wertz Garvin

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