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Ann Somerville

Ann Somerville
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.55

Books by Ann Somerville


Kei's Gift (2010)

Started out great (5 stars), then dragged on a bit (down to 4 stars for bad editing), then sort of rush/limped to a conclusion (and 3 stars... maybe 3.5). Great characters, interesting concept, more or less decent writing but:1. If you're going to have fantastical beasts (instead of horses and su...

Kei's Gift (2010) by Ann Somerville

I Was An Alien Cat Toy (2009)

What a deceiving title! I passed over this book many times on my recommendations list due to the title. We've all been tricked into reading self published fanfic, ficlit or whatever it's called. The poorly conceived, badly written crap that wants to be erotica romance but is actually not even por...

I Was An Alien Cat Toy (2009) by Ann Somerville

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