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Ann Cameron

Ann Cameron
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Books by Ann Cameron


Spunky Tells All (2011)

Spunky Tells All by Ann Cameron, pictures by Lauren Castillo – I really honestly am baffled. I didn’t realize that Ann Cameron lived in Portland, Oregon until now. I just love her book series. I cued in on this new book from Spunky, a cute dog’s perspective, because it was selected as a Beverly C...

Spunky Tells All (2011) by Ann Cameron

Julian's Glorious Summer (1987)

I really enjoyed reading this book again, especially watching Julian try and deal with his bike problem and how his friend Gloria views him. From this adventure, we see how a small fib over something small can derail an entire summer plan. What really hooked me was how well it captures how childr...

Julian's Glorious Summer (1987) by Ann Cameron

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