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Anita Nair

Anita Nair
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Books by Anita Nair


The Lilac House: A Novel (2012)

The book is written in a style I'm not familiar with. Chapters begin with scenes, which apparently seems not connected with the last chapter. But along the way reading the book, I found it was a genius way of refering to the precious chapters.The book covers some feminist subjects in India. And v...

The Lilac House: A Novel (2012) by Anita Nair

Ladies Coupé (2004)

Un viaggio in treno in compagnia di altre cinque donne, compagne occasionali per una notte, nel vagone riservato alle ��cuccette per signora�� cui il titolo fa riferimento, �� il pretesto per Akhila, la protagonista del romanzo, per riconsiderare la propria esistenza sacrificata al bene della fam...

Ladies Coupé (2004) by Anita Nair

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