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Anita Desai

Anita Desai
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Books by Anita Desai


Baumgartner's Bombay (2000)

Hugo Baumgartner, the son of a Jewish merchant, was born and raised in Berlin. They lived in affluence as his father's trade was booming. Then the unthinkable Holocaust happens forcing them to lose all their properties during which his father dies. The entire property of his father was slowly sei...

Baumgartner's Bombay (2000) by Anita Desai

The Zigzag Way (2006)

For some reason getting through this was a real slog, and I only started getting into this right near the end. A very slim novel, at about 180 pages, took me 10 days! I suspect it's more to do with my current knackered-ness, than the actual book, as it's beautifully written. Even with the sloggin...

The Zigzag Way (2006) by Anita Desai

Diamond Dust: Stories (2000)

Lot of imagery, lyricism in the language, so Anita Desai isn't always the easiest authors to read - especially if you want to get straight to the point. I remember reading Cry The Peacock several years ago and not really grasping much of it - a very mystifying novel with lots of symbols and image...

Diamond Dust: Stories (2000) by Anita Desai

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