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Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol
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Books by Andy Warhol


The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again) (1977)

1. I decided to read this book because I am interested in Andy Warhol and his influence upon the current world and the commercialist mindset. I recently watched a documentary on him and he seemed like a very interesting and possibly neurotic kind of person, and I really enjoy delving into the min...

The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again) (1977) by Andy Warhol

POPism: The Warhol Sixties (2006)

This was a Munson Williams Proctor (MWP) book club book. As with many book club books it is probably not a book I would have read on my own. This book illustrates why I love book clubs. The book was difficult to read in that it was very disjointed. He (Andy Warhol) mentioned so many people an...

POPism: The Warhol Sixties (2006) by Andy Warhol

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