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Andy Eisenberg

Andy Eisenberg
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.79

Books by Andy Eisenberg


A Trouble Halved (2010)

Allen is forced to go with his parents for the holiday. He feels tight and closed in. With the star of his fantasy starts to text him and shows up for a visit its time to start being open about himself. Loved the grandmother and the story of the uncle. They really added a wonderful element to...

A Trouble Halved (2010) by Andy Eisenberg

Unexpected Guest (2010)

I was really happy to read again about Brandon and Jaden even if they where in the background. The main story topic is interesting and the idea for the twist is good, but the main couple "Dan and Ethan" just don't click. I didn't get the feeling for them, Dan was okay, but Ethan there is absolutl...

Unexpected Guest (2010) by Andy Eisenberg

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