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Andrew Bleiman

Andrew Bleiman
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4.17 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.1

Books by Andrew Bleiman


ABC ZooBorns! (2012)

If you enjoy looking at pictures of animals, especially newborns, this is the ABC book to bring into your classroom! Adorable baby animal pictures are paired with their letter from the alphabet, with little captions of what the animal is doing. At the end of the book there is a great section that...

ABC ZooBorns! (2012) by Andrew Bleiman

ZooBorns!: Zoo Babies from Around the World (2010)

Okay, this book get's 4 stars simply because of the cuteness factor - it's adorable! I mean pictures of baby animals are about as cute as it gets. Each picture is accompanied by a few sentences introducing the animal by name (in most case) and species. The text with the picture's are simple and...

ZooBorns!: Zoo Babies from Around the World (2010) by Andrew Bleiman

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