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Andrea K. Höst

Andrea K. Höst
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.23

Books by Andrea K. Höst


Lab Rat One (2011)

The ongoing saga of Cassandra in her new world... and this time she has uncovered the key to unlocking the home world for the people who've been hosting her. More wild things happen and it becomes clear that Cassandra has a much larger set of abilities than previously suspected. And these abiliti...

Lab Rat One (2011) by Andrea K. Höst

Caszandra (2011)

This author is so hilarious (and serious and just altogether amazing), I don't know how she managed to infuse so many references in naturally. It's not a constant stream of "Earth was so much worse/better/different because of XYZ" but simply enough to give you something to base your imagination o...

Caszandra (2011) by Andrea K. Höst

Gratuitous Epilogue (2011)

This reads like amazingly detailed fanfic, which I don't mean negatively, but it's so obviously a HEA wish fulfilment. All (okay, a great many) of the major characters of the trilogy suddenly stop needing to risk killing themselves on a daily basis and instead decide to almost immediately become ...

Gratuitous Epilogue (2011) by Andrea K. Höst

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