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Amanda Grange

Amanda Grange
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Books by Amanda Grange


Mr. Darcy, Vampyre (2009)

Where is was a strange story it made a strange sort of sense as well. It was well written and even though I was disgusted by one of my favorite books being 'made fun of' like this for lack of better wording, I actually enjoyed this book. The authors didn't choke you with the vampire thing like ...

Mr. Darcy, Vampyre (2009) by Amanda Grange

Mr Darcy, Vampire (2009)

used too many references from P&P. It makes me laugh that I even picked up this book. It was really quite ridiculous.

Mr Darcy, Vampire (2009) by Amanda Grange

Edmund Bertram's Diary (2008)

This is the first book I've read in this series, by Amanda Grange's reworking of a Jane Austen story from the man's point of view. This novel is based on "Mansfield Park" but from Edmund Bertram's viewpoint.To begin the book we see where Fanny Price arrives at Mansfield Park at 10 years old. Edmu...

Edmund Bertram's Diary (2008) by Amanda Grange

Cher Mr. Darcy (2013)

So silly and yet such an indulgent and delicious read when all you're breathing in is hot summer air at the beach... As far as an epistolary retelling of "Pride and Prejudice" goes, this is well done and well imagined. It almost gets four stars for allowing me the sheer mindless pleasure of escap...

Cher Mr. Darcy (2013) by Amanda Grange

Wickham's Diary (2011)

Wickham's diary by Amanda Grange is a great addition of Jane Austen's Pride and prejudice. It tells the life story of George Wickham through his childhood with Fitzwilliam Darcy, how they ended their friendship and how he tried to trick Georgiana Darcy into trying to elope with him. This wonderfu...

Wickham's Diary (2011) by Amanda Grange

Lord Deverill's Secret (2007)

Cassandra Paxton arrives in Brighton to throw light on his brother’s last letter, unfinished because of his sudden death. She means to meet all of his brother’s friends and ask them if they know something she does not about her brother’s last actions. But the first one she talks to, Lord Deverill...

Lord Deverill's Secret (2007) by Amanda Grange

Anything but a Gentleman (2001)

What a fun quick read! Finished it in one evening as I wanted desperately to see what would become of Marianne and Lord Ravensford. Marianne is managing her fathers estate and is passionate about getting traps removed off the land that she seeks out her new neighbour without a proper chaperone. A...

Anything but a Gentleman (2001) by Amanda Grange

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