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Alisa Valdes

Alisa Valdes
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Books by Alisa Valdes


The Feminist and the Cowboy: An Unlikely Love Story (2013)

Such a promising title....such a tremendous let down.This book had me tearing my hair out for a million reasons. The whole post-post-feminist slant (it takes a Fox-watching, abusive cowboy to tame a liberal, hot-blooded Latino), is such a tired cliche that I can't believe a major publishing house...

The Feminist and the Cowboy: An Unlikely Love Story (2013) by Alisa Valdes

Haters (2009)

This was just what I needed since I've been in a back-to-school funk (well I've been in it since school started but it's getting worse). It's not cotton candy light but it didn't make me pause at any revolutionary/extraordinary thoughts. I would like to state however that this book could be a lot...

Haters (2009) by Alisa Valdes

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