This = long. But it's a long book. The spoiler-free short version: The Count of Monte Cristo is an extraordinary, long, complex (as in, takes a large chart to keep relationships straight) work with a very simple story idea: a young man is horribly wronged, emerges from prison with a new life and ...
Avete mai provato quella sensazione intrisa di un misto di felicità e inquietudine nell’andare incontro ad amici che non vedete da tanto tempo? Felicità per il ritrovamento, inquietudine per la possibilità di trovare qualcosa di sbagliato, o anche più di qualcosa.E’ con questo spirito che mi sono...
Il lungo addio Terzo ed ultimo romanzo delle avventure incominciate coi tre moschettieri, proseguite vent'anni dopo e terminate dopo altri quindici anni. Ovviamente, ragazzi diventati uomini ben oltre la mezz'et�, e in tempi metallici dove un anno ne pesava per tre odierni, dovranno usare sempre ...
Louise de la Valliere is the middle section of The Vicomte de Bragelonne, or, Ten Years After. Against a tender love story, Dumas continues the suspense which began with The Vicomte de Bragelonne and will end with The Man in the Iron Mask. Set during the reign of Louis XIV and filled with behind-...
Nagyon érdekes és izgalmas darab. Ugyanakkor valahol nagyon fura is. Szegény Monte Cristo teljesen el van szállva - mégis, vagy talán pont ezért, igazán lebilincselő, ahogy kibontakoznak körülötte, vagy inkább ő kibontakoztatja maga körül az eseményeket. Aztán bosszúálló démonból egy-egy szóra ké...
الشيء الغريب في الروايه .. ان عدد صفحاتها باللغه الانجلزيه ٦٢٤ صفحه بينما باللغه العربيه فقط ١٤٤ صفحه الا ان كل صفحه كانت بمثابه مئه صفحه من سرعه تسلسل الاحداث وعدم الاسهاب بتفصيلها فقط بايجاز شرح الموقف.. مع ذلك الكاتب كان ذكي والمترجم اذكى منه يصف الموقف وكانك موجود معهم روايه تتكلم عن الثوره ...
Alexandre Dumas est connu pour son roman Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, ou encore sa célèbre trilogie mettant en scène les mousquetaires. Cependant, il est également l'auteur d'une fresque historique retraçant la fin du règne de Louis XV jusqu'à la Révolution française avec la mort de Louis XVI. Cet...
Disappointing. I love Dumas but this long novel has few of the things I love about him. The characters kind of come and go, are there for a few chapters and then never appear again. It's almost impossible to follow the action, unless you are very familiar with one of the most confusing periods of...
Ce dernier tome du cycle des Mémoires d'un Médecin sert de conclusion à la saga. C'est la fin du règne de Louis XVI et le début de la république. C'est aussi dans ce livre que l'on apprend le destin tragique de beaucoup des personnages du livre.La Comtesse de Charny est beaucoup plus dans l'his...
First, a recap. I am reading the D'Artagnan Romances via the FREE Kindle ebooks available on Amazon: Book 1: The Three MusketeersBook 2: Twenty Years AfterBook 3a: The Vicomte de BragelonneBook 3b: Ten Years LaterBook 3c: Louise de la VallièreBook 3d: The Man in the Iron MaskTen Years Later actua...
Man, nobody (at least not that I’ve read) writes court intrigue like Dumas. So many twists and turns, and although you’re reasonably confident about who’s backstabbing whom at any given time, you’re never sure who’s actually going to come out on top. Up to a point, of course. Henri de Navarre did...