מורביה אלברטו, "אגוסטינו"הוצאת כרמל, 2001, תרגום דליה עמית, 127 עמ`פוטוריזם, היתה תנועה ששלטה באומנות האיטלקית בתחילת המאה ה- 20. הפוטוריזם, שמקורו בשירה, התפשט לתחומי אומנות שונים ומגוונים, ביקש לשבור את המסגרות המסורתיות ולהתנער מערכי המוסר הישן.המושג פוטוריזם בא להדגיש את התנועתיות והדינמיות ש...
3.5Leggere Moravia è scoprire sempre un po' di sé, conoscersi inaspettatamente meglio, trovare le giuste parole alle proprie sensazioni che spesso sono intraducibili. La sua scrittura è lucida. Sempre. Ed è proprio questa sua caratteristica che rende i suoi libri ogni volta un vero godimento per ...
The Conformist is a novel by Alberto Moravia published in 1951, telling us about the life of a government official during Italy's fascist period and his desire to be normal. What surprised me about this book is how much I enjoyed it considering it was written by the same guy who wrote The Time ...
The Woman of Rome by Alberto Moravia is a beautiful, rich book. It's like you read and you read and you read, and then suddenly a book comes along and it makes you slow down and really think. It makes you ponder the human condition. Who we are. Why we're here. What we can do about it. The Woman o...