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Al Lacy

Al Lacy
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Books by Al Lacy


The Little Sparrows (2003)

"The Little Sparrows" it seems by reviews to be either a book to love or dislike. Well on the most part it is a book that I really enjoyed. I will admit that the end might be a little to far over the top but then again that is one of the reasons I love fiction, for there is always a happy endin...

The Little Sparrows (2003) by Al Lacy

Blessed Are the Merciful (1999)

Perhaps, the newest of literary elements is the parallel story lines. I guess many people must like it, but I'm not a fan. (Heads up for anyone who doesn't like this either.) Blessed Are the Merciful is probably a good example of why authors should not use this device. One story seems to take thr...

Blessed Are the Merciful (1999) by Al Lacy

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