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Ainslie Paton

Ainslie Paton
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3.72 of 5 Votes: 5
Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.69

Books by Ainslie Paton


White Balance (2000)

Generally, I like my romance with a dash of paranormal but this book was just wonderful! I can't believe it doesn't have more reviews. GO READ IT! The only reason it didn't get 5 stars from me is for the editing. It's like the editing stopped one third of the way through and then it was typos al...

White Balance (2000) by Ainslie Paton

Grease Monkey Jive (2012)

I wanted to like this book. It had some interesting characters and good dialogue, but it was in desperate need of some editing to shorten it and tighten up the story. The hero, Dan, was a tool. But since he knew he was a tool and tried to change, I still liked him. Alex, the heroine, was less lik...

Grease Monkey Jive (2012) by Ainslie Paton

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