I think his assumption of a very widely read and knowledgeable reader is the problem of this book. He is, at times, unintentionally vague about the huge number of literary and scientific writings he refers to to support his thesis. One paragraph in particular held references to three different wo...
I finished the book faster than I wanted to b/c I just could not stop reading. I have written alot about this previously so I will just try and summarize why one should read this book and why I give it 5 stars. It is intellectually stimulating. i don't always agree with the author's point of view...
From my blog:When I was in graduate school, I took a course in travel writing and publishing. Throughout the semester, we had to read a number of books about travel, including Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik. In this book of essays, I loved the way Gopnik described the five years he and his wife...