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Wombstone (2013)

Wombstone (2013)

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4.04 of 5 Votes: 4
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1482600013 (ISBN13: 9781482600018)

About book Wombstone (2013)

I'm particular fussy about my vampire novels these days, there are just so many of them around and it's becoming increasingly more difficult to do something original with it. But I have to say I think Jessica pulled it off.I enjoyed the characters in this book and also found them a bit of a laugh. The vampire world the main character is thrown into has enough variety compared to other vampire novels that it held my interest all the way through. The pace was great, and certainly kept me turning the pages, especially towards the end. While paranormal, vampire, were and all aren't my favorite, I sometimes find myself reading them as a diversion. I'm a big Lili St. Germain fan, having read all of her MC Seven Brothers series and am axiously awaiting Cartel. So, I thought I should try Walking Dead Girl. I start it and wonder why am I reading vampire stories, why am I doing this? My thoughts quickly shift and I'm saying to myself, "Damn it's 4AM and I don't want to stop reading, but my eyes are starting to shut quite involuntarily."I click over to the next page, just when things are building and all Hell is breaking loose for Mia/Blake and darned if it's not a cliff hanger and damn if the next in the series isn't until 2015. It's only January 4th, so I'm going to be waiting! Arghhhh!!! You're killing me Lili!!!!!Yep, I'm hooked and love this series!

Do You like book Wombstone (2013)?

A little unorganized to me. Good writing and all but it was all over the place.

omg that all I'm say full review

Review to follow ☆☆☆☆☆

Can't wait for the next book.

Loved this so so much!!

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