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Toys In Space (2013)

Toys in Space (2013)

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030797815X (ISBN13: 9780307978158)
Knopf Books for Young Readers

About book Toys In Space (2013)

One night the toys were left outside and they see the stars for the very first time. One of the toys narrates a story about a spaceship that abducted some toys. Aboard the ship is a space creature that is looking for it’s lost toy, Cuddles. In the process of searching for Cuddles, the creature has gained thousands of toys that needed to go home! The abducted toys try to cheer up the space creature and in the end everyone is happy to find what they were looking for.Engagement Activity• Think back to a time where you lost a favorite toy. Where did you lose it? Draw or write a story about what you think the toys new life might be now.Grey, M. (2013). Toys in space. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. This was a very cute story having to do with space, and toys coming to life when people are not around. It was far from the traditional structure of most stories because the toys were making side comments, and were apart of the story while also not being apart of the story at the same time. If you happen to read the book, you will understand what I mean by that. Basically, the toys are forgotten and left in the yard when they discover space and stars for the first time when it gets dark. To pass the time, one of the toys start to tell a story of all the toys in space. It ends up turning into something that you would not expect.What stood out to me were the illustrations and the complexity of the story. Of course, since the story happens to talk about space and aliens, the illustrations have to be well done in order to portray space and the wondrous complexities of it. I thought the illustrations were great because they did just that. They were not realistic, but they were done in a way that I think would be great for children. I also enjoyed how they made the alien so innocent, and didn't portray it as something evil or mysterious. It was just a little alien sad and lost without a special possession of his. The side comments from the toys were also very entertaining and fun.

Do You like book Toys In Space (2013)?

Toys left out in the yard over night entertain each other with an adventurous story.

A cute story about aliens and toys and what happens outside of your house.

Another winning picture book from the "Traction Man" author.


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