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Tofu Quilt (2009)

Tofu Quilt (2009)

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3.81 of 5 Votes: 5
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Lee & Low Books

About book Tofu Quilt (2009)

Yeung Ying is a young Chinese girl living in Hong Kong in the 1960s. She likes to write stories and hates doing math. She writes letters for her family members, many of whom can't write. She dreams of being a writer someday. This collection of poems tells her story as she discovers who she wants to be and what she wants to do with her life. I think they really invoke her love of her family and her desire to be someone someday. This collection is short and sweet and easy to read. Lovely novel in verse. Although "Tofu Quilt" is short, sweet, and satisfying, it doesn't exactly have much flavor. This book is just like a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich. It is easy to read, but it doesn't evoke much emotion nor tension. This book wasn't necessarily bland nor boring, it just didn't keep me in suspense, neither does it keep me hooked throughout every story. Most poetry books make you think and wonder, as well as tingle a bit of emotion. This book gave me none. It was like reading a mere journal of what a young girl does every day. A little too simple. It wasn't bad, though, because it does have its small simplicities that you can relate to. Other than that, any reader can tell that this book is missing an essence. I have to admit, though, her stories were enjoyable. Somewhat of a classical theme was sensed in her writing. Moving to the judgement of mechanics, I wonder what the editors were thinking. Many of the chinese terms were misspelled. For example, it is not Dan-Lai, it is Dun-Lai. Google search Dan-Lai and you get images of random asian men. Google Dun-Lai and you get pictures of delicious looking jello, as white as pearls. Overall, I'd have to say that this book is enjoyable. It's not an epic novel that keeps me hooked, but it is soft and peaceful, something to read on the porch during a breezy afternoon.

Do You like book Tofu Quilt (2009)?

An absolutely lovely peek into the universal world of a young person discovering her self.

I'm not really a poetry person, but reading it as a narrative, I thought it was very good.

free verse memoir for younger children

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