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The Wronged Sons (2014)

The Wronged Sons (2014)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 2
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150012110X (ISBN13: 9781500121105)

About book The Wronged Sons (2014)

Brilliant debut novel, I was hooked from the beginning. Twisting and compelling with the right mix of gasp out loud moments and those car-crash type ones that you can see coming but just can't look away. The writing from both the main characters' perspectives was excellent, it is good to see a female character written by a male that is realistic.It is self published so there were a couple of typos (I read a revised version) but by the time I got to them I was so engrossed in the book that they didn't bother me.I am looking forward very much to reading more from this author. I really enjoyed this book - it had lots of twists and kept me guessing right until the end. A really gripping tale based on the tragically horrific outcome of misunderstanding and lack of communication within a relationship. The story is told by the two main characters and switches from the present day to their joint past and the time between, which can be a bit confusing at times. The emotional turmoil the author manages to portray is fabulous although the financial circumstances that both parties end up in does seem a little incredible. This was a debut novel and I look forward to reading more from this author. 4 Stars :)

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What a page turner with unexpected twists and turns throughout.

An okay read but it did drag in parts.

Really good page turner

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