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The Sound Of Your Voice (2003)

The Sound of Your Voice (2003)

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3.73 of 5 Votes: 4
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0974992399 (ISBN13: 9780974992399)
Torquere Press

About book The Sound Of Your Voice (2003)

Lots of good messages about being gay and about being deaf and about standing up and fighting for your rights. This takes place in the late 80's and early 90's. John is in DC protesting Reagan and his policies about AIDS and subsequently gets arrested. He performs community service at a phone center that helps in calls between deaf and hearing people. He meets Steve, who is deaf, through his work and they start dating. The story is nice & I can believe the author knows about being gay and has personal knowledge about being deaf as it felt very authentic. The story is somewhat bland and the writing is flat but the quiet approach works on this story about someone living in a world without sound. This is a beautiful story of two men falling in love. They face prejudice not only because they are gay but because one is hearing and the other is deaf. I was a little surprised to find that there was prejudice amongst Steve's deaf friends that he would enter into a relationship with someone who was not deaf but I suppose it makes a kind of sad sense. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I learned a lot as well.

Do You like book The Sound Of Your Voice (2003)?

This book is a sweet romance where one hero is deaf. It sure can be helpful to learn sign language

Sadly, I was bored. Was it the writing style? I had such high hopes after reding the cover copy.

I loved this book. Very sweet and believable romance. Highly recommended!!


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