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The Milestone Tapes (2000)

The Milestone Tapes (2000)

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3.8 of 5 Votes: 3
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1468150065 (ISBN13: 9781468150063)

About book The Milestone Tapes (2000)

This review is for the KINDLE EDITION!This book has me torn when it comes to a review. I feel like it could easily have been a four star book... were it not for the tremendous amount of mistakes, typos, spelling and grammatical errors, characters using the wrong names, etc. It was riddled with errors as if they'd been shot at it with a machine gun. Which was very sad, and frustrating, because underneath the mess was a good story, a great concept, and some very well conceived characters.I have to give the author credit, because I finished the book, despite the overwhelming urge to throw my Kindle across the room due to the enormity of the errors. The characters capture your heart enough that you want to keep going. I did skip pages. I even skipped chapters. There were parts where I just couldn't keep reading between the lines (due to words left out), and there were parts that lagged, went off into one area, then returned to a former thought that happened chapters before. At one point, I actually wondered if the author's native language might be something other than English. I simply couldn't wrap my head around how anyone could publish such an unpolished book.I truly think with some editing, and some work on the pacing, this thing could have been one of those book club favorites. It is not all that poorly written, but very poorly edited. There is great potential here-- it is a good concept and a good story with endearing characters... but that's where the magic ends.Sadly, it almost feels like this started off as a great idea, was rushed to a finish, and then self-published much too quickly to Amazon.All in all, the author made me finish a story that I would normally have tossed out after the first five pages of typos. So, that's saying something.Potentially a great read if you don't mind a ton of mistakes and less than perfect pacing. I was pretty frustrated by this book for many reasons. there were many many pages of mundane moments in the character's lives. names changed throughout the book and often left me briefly confused. the amount of spelling and grammatical errors was ridiculous and I found myself focusing more on them than the story itself. I felt the life of Jenna was so drawn out, and Mina's life was shortened to a small amount of chapters. we didn't get the chance to hear about her milestones and it felt rushed. she experienced multiple milestones in a matter of pages. I finished this story merely because I am a person who can't. just stopped in the middle of a book, I have to see it through to it's end. I believe the concept was good and there were a few moments in the book that had me crying, but the interactions with 6 yr old Mia and her mother were odd and far beyond any dialogue that a normal 6 yr old would be able to understand.

Do You like book The Milestone Tapes (2000)?

I really liked this book but I read the Kindle addition and grammatical errors were atrocious.

Good story idea but lots of typos & grammatical errors in my e-book edition.

filed with love! a good read & a good cry.


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