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The Charlestown Connection (2011)

The Charlestown Connection (2011)

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3.5 of 5 Votes: 4
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1608090248 (ISBN13: 9781608090242)
Oceanview Publishing

About book The Charlestown Connection (2011)

Another book that I just found on a library display. At first I was not sure I would actually read it. It is notmy kind of book. However, after I got into the story I really liked the main character and thought that thestory was well done and not a bad read. It deals with a theft of treasured art work and copies of masterpieces that is quite a stretch. But it adds intrigue. It definitely is a book mostly about men and written by a man.But the main character is appealing and cleverly does some good detective work. There's a lot to like about this book, but it falls short of the "good" mark. The set-up: Dermot Sparhawk, a townie in the projects of Boston, sets out to solve the mystery of his godfather's murder, and tussles along the way with the IRA, art forgers, local union bosses, the police, and the FBI. The author has an excellent sense of place (which Boston natives will appreciate) and a good pacing of dialogue, and the plot is outlandish but fun (and no more ridiculous that the plots of your average crime-caper-thrillers). A clever solution to the 20-year old real-life art heist from Boston's Gardner Museum is presented at the end. My major critique is that the book lacks emotion and empathy. The interior monologues of Sparhawk are well-written, but there aren't *enough* of them to add depth to either his character or the plot. The author needs to work on balancing dialogue with thought. (A minor critique is that the character of the female FBI agent sorely lacks in believability.)

Do You like book The Charlestown Connection (2011)?

Meandering plot. Needed a lot of tightening. Cool idea though, once you finally get there.

It was slow in developing and I thought it would be a little more action

Very quick and interesting read about Charlestown, MA.

Very interesting book


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