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The Billionaire's Challenge (2012)

The Billionaire's Challenge (2012)

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Smashwords Edition

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WARNING: REVIEW MAY CONTAIN PROFANITY OR OTHER ADULT CONTENT.Spoiler Alert!!A bit of a Nooner really; very short, 50 pages. (Relevant). 50 everything if I'm honest, but we'll come back to that. I guess it's obvious, now, that this was a slow start ratcheting into a Fiery FuckFest in the last few pages. The story built from a couple of very tentative encounters to an all-out 'O' chaser at the end. Ok so this is a trilogy, and the second & third books are £1.99 ea. on UK iBooks. These books are advertised as 39, yes, thirty-nine pages each. I downloaded book one a little while ago, and I think I may have got it free. So good, so far. If I buy the other 2 books, that is £3.98 or about $5 for the set, so, 128 pages: that's 4c per page. I'm not sure I'm happy with that ratio. This book?? #1, Took me about 20mins, tops, to read. Ok, so enough if the VFM.There are enough unanswered questions in this book to expand it to War & Peace proportions:Our heroine has self-image problems, she claims to be 50lb overweight but still allows herself to be 'sold' by her (female) boss in a Secretary Auction for charity where humiliation is virtually guaranteed. Her self-loathing is such that she doesn't like to be touched (50) and needs a lights-out policy in the bedroom. She's had a messy divorce, hasn't been fucked for 5 years, is a self-confessed porn movie fan, and alludes to a history of Kinky Fuckery and BDSM (50). The Billionaire, having outbid Waldorf & Stadler ($13,000) for the pleasure of her company, to the outrageous tune of $100,000, then takes her to a very exclusive dining club (50) and asks if she's been there before, clearly expecting an answer in the negative. She says yes, with no further explanation, and he doesn't push for discovery. Curious. Date ends non-commitally, although he's clearly taken with her and gives her his private Cell No. She doesn't call, so he comes to the office and invites her out for coffee, where she drinks tea (50). So, they go back to his place to 'watch a movie' in his private cinema - fuck the couch man- he starts to feel her up and she puts the cock-block on and gets him to take her home. She then wildly regrets that she didnt give in to her desires and ride the sexy billionaire to Nirvana !! But all is no lost. He picks her up from work to discuss what went wrong on their last 'date' and tells her he's got a surprise. Oh!! Wait!!BTW: she gets automotively downgraded at each date. No. 1. Stretch Limo. No. 2 Porsche Boxter Convertible. No. 3. A Toyota. Hope you got the safety recall on that one Buddy, WTF. So, date 3, they get back to his mansion and he's got his Goddamned Shrink on hand to give them a joint counselling session (50). Ok. Shrinks gone, lets fuck. Till we can't walk. Oh, guess what?? His chest is covered in tiny scars (50). And so they agree to individual and joint counselling sessions to help solve each others problems, then jump in the sack test the solutions. Not really a cliffhanger, just a "where the fuck do we go from here moment."So. Two more books (50). Ratings: well it's not a bad book, just very short. The story line and potential offshoots are very confusing, and there's no real explanation of why he bought her, specifically, at the auction. No electricity, no smouldering looks, dick jerking attraction or panty-wetting desire. It just sort of, well, happens. On the positive side, the one and only real sex scene did provide a good measure of Smuttertainment. I find books should affect you, even if they don't always please you, and I've now spent more than twice as long reviewing this book as it took me to read it, so it must have affected me. I'll give it 3 Stars. Although, not being a fan of anime and cursing which was well involved in this short ebook, I easily understood struggles followed by self-confidence. Self- esteem has a way of lacking and Garret hopes to help himself to show a beautiful chubby woman the endless possibilities that may be directed with good manner step by step measures. Definely too rated but suggested for those who admire couples helping one another "issues" with counseling.

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