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The Amun Chamber (2000)

The Amun Chamber (2000)

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3.4 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book The Amun Chamber (2000)

Over all a good book with an interesting story line. I enjoy books having to do with Egyptian archaeology.As far as my pro's:I kind of enjoyed the jump between times which gave us just enough information to try and puzzle things out without making everything obvious.It was fun to explore an archaeological mystery that a lot of people know something about, but hasn't been beaten to death. There was also a tease of a sequel towards the end.Then there are my con's:I was slightly bothered by the idea that a scientific individual who has lived in Greece so long he considers it home sits and discusses with a native Egyptian the temperature in Fahrenheit and distances in miles, but it can be overlooked.I really didn't like the antagonists. The primary was introduced very briefly so that you really had no sense of his motivations other than greed, which seemed very shallow. The secondary was touched on more, but I found him very disturbing and somewhat one-sided.And finally, there was a lot of loose ends. One consisted of confusion as to exactly what happened to Lewis and his friend. It all but wraps up who did it, only to throw in a second culprit without resolving it to my satisfaction. Another stresses David's concern over being an author and having to write another book only to have the whole thing vanish without a trace. C2010: Just meh for me. It seemed like a pale copy of so many other “adventure “ stories that include a mysterious relic and a hero and heroine. I didn’t find anything particularly different with the plot or characterisation but I am sure the book will have an audience. Perhaps I am just too jaded –but sentences like these are two a penny “They continued forward, eyes widening in amazement. “ and “This revelation could mean but one thing!” I finished it – so it was not unreadable although I have a feeling that I lost concentration along the way. Some good editing may have improved it. FWFTB: Alexandria, treasure, legend, archaeology, heiress. FCN: Professor David Manning, Elizabeth, Norman, Lionel, Oristano. "For himself, David felt the frustration of being caught in a maze. What did he and Elizabeth have to show for their efforts? Damn little." - I kind of feel the same way.

Do You like book The Amun Chamber (2000)?

Fun. A mysterious treasure hunt. It reminded me a little of the movie "National Treasure".

Kept my interest all the way through. Very well written and a fun subject

Not bad histrical thriller in "The DA VINCI CODE" vein.

Very Indiana Jones! Good read!

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