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Sweet Contradiction (2013)

Sweet Contradiction (2013)

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4.02 of 5 Votes: 2
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1490347402 (ISBN13: 9781490347400)

About book Sweet Contradiction (2013)

I found Sweet Contradiction to be a very fast read, but one I really enjoyed. Elizabeth was the type of character that I was drawn to from the prelude, and I wanted to continue reading about her simply because of how well she was developed as a character. I could also understand her perspective about certain things based on her upbringing and how she comes to view religion, in particular. Then there's the very close relationship she had with Jen, her best friend from childhood. As I read the interactions between the two, it felt very authentic and real, and it came across quite well in the book, and I thought that both of them were lucky to have the other as a friend.Of course, there is Elizabeth's romantic interest, Matt Wright. What I can say about him is that I fell in love with him as a reader from the moment he's introduced, and the the romance that developed between the two felt like it grew organically at just the right pace without coming across as being forced or rushed. Because of that, I really thought that they made a great couple.Overall, for a fast read, I thought this book had a lot of depth which drew me in to the story, and kept my attention through the book. I'd recommend this to those readers who like sweet romances. My rating is 5/5 platypires. I am so happy that I picked up this book, it's one that will defiantly stay with me and I took away a great deal. Let me say that this book will not be for everyone and it should be read with an open mind. Beth grew up in cold cruel home where her parents used religion to dominate and emotionally abuse her. Growing up she had to hide her true personality, hopes and dreams. But she vowed to leave that life in order to express herself without limitations. Beth did just that at the age of 18. However four years later she is forced to return when tragedy befalls the only persons in Salem she loves and cares about. Upon her return Beth meets handsome Matt. When she learns he is the preachers son and everything she has ran away from and avoided for the past four yeas. Matt is determined to fine real true love and passion. From the moment he met Beth he is certain that he has found his soul mate and that all consuming love. Matt will have a battle on his hands to convince Beth they belong together. Beth will have to face her past and open her eyes to what is right in front if her if they are to stand a chance if having a future. This book title was very appropriately titled because it was sweet indeed and contradiction because the subject matter is a very emotional not one you would consider sweet. Sweet contradiction is well written, captivating, real and emotive. A deserving 4 star from me. Review By Natasha

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Great ya romance read!!! Full of adventure angst and great friendships

need Jen and Hunter's story now! Spring 2014, ugh.

okay and quick summer read.

Loved it.

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