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Relics (2005)

Relics (2005)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 5
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1590581199 (ISBN13: 9781590581193)
poisoned pen press

About book Relics (2005)

This is the 2nd in the Faye Longchamp (archaeologist) series. Back to school to pursue her dream of becoming an archaeologist, she has been asked to run a project for which she is barely qualified. Her assignment is to uncover the origins of the Sujosa, a mysterious ethnic group who have lived in the hills of Alabama for years. The most significant discovery about this tribe is that they have shown an impressive immunity to many diseases -- including AIDS.Late one night, Faye sleepily realizes that she is warm for the first time since leaving home. Unfortunately, she is warm because the house is on fire. She saves herself and one of her housemates, but her friend, and project historian, Carmen, never had a chance. Within days, a young boy commits suicide, jumping from a cell phone tower, that, when completed, will bring the outside world into the Sujosa community. Faye's archaeology skills at ferreting out the past help her unravel these mysterious deaths and they might even help save her life!I would recommend this book to anyone who loves history and working step by step, clue by clue to solve a crime/mystery.

RELICS (Amateur Sleuth-Alabama-Cont) – GEvans, Mary Anna – 2nd in seriesPoisoned Pen Press, 2005- HardcoverFaye Longchamp is an archeology student who has traveled, with her friend and assistant Joe, to the hills of Alabama. She is there to lead a team research the history of the Sujosa, a small group with immunity to AIDS. When a fire, Faye suspects to be arson, kills one of the researchers and a young man falls to his death from a high tower, Faye is determined to find our who has something to hide and what it is.*** This was an enjoyable book on many levels-- archaeologically, sociologically, and historically. The characters are interesting, particularly Joe and Miss Dovey, of whom I'd like to have read more. I enjoyed reading the "interviews," but felt they bogged down the story and felt the interaction between the characters suffered for it. The ending was well done with an obvious, but not wall-banging, opening for a subsequent book.

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Faye Longchamp has gotten a real job as a real archeologist, and is working again with Joe. Her new job takes her to Alabama and a secluded area that is home to a group of people who have had limited contact with the rest of the world. One of the things the team is trying to determine is just how long they have been in this spot. A fire in the local courthouse a few decades back has complicated the issue.When one member of the team is killed Faye starts her unofficial investigation and the fun begins.Completely fooled me on one part, and I nailed the other part of the mystery. Always makes it more fun when I figure out part of it but am shocked by the rest of it.I'll keep reading this series, Faye is a great character and I like keeping up with her life.

I enjoyed this book as much as I did the first in the series. It's so nice to discover a well written mystery series that already has a number of books published. This is just the type of mystery I like, not too gritty, not too cozy, but somewhere in the middle.Faye is a great character, but the race issues are feeling a bit heavy handed. I hope every book doesn't have such an emphasis on it. I liked the change of scenery and the plot in this one, trying to figure out the history of a small, insular, mixed-race group of people in rural Alabama. Joe's character progresses a lot from the first book and it will be interesting to see where Jolie's relationship with him goes.

For the life of me I can't understand why Evans isn't riding high on bestseller lists. Her storytelling is just superb, and can be compared easily with King or Preston and Childs. With an eye toward the social mix of African Americans, Native Indians and Caucasians, and especially those of mixed heritage, her books educate on how archaeology informs us of early beginnings of a race, and how that knowledge effects us today. "Relics" is a one-sitting book; block out a day, as you will not be putting it down once you start. Favorite character throughout the books? Creek sidekick Joe Wolf Mantooth, who is on a long learning curve personally and spiritually. Can't wait to see the resolution of Joe, but will be so sad when this series is finished. Fabulous book. On to the third!
—Pamela B.

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