This book is about ten puppies and what they do. It tells about their day from start to finish. It begins with one puppy being up until finally all ten puppies are up and partaking in the day's activities. Then, it ends the day by counting back from ten puppies to just one pup being up. The nice thing is that each time a number is said, that many puppies is on the page. This makes it easy to let the students count then so they can see that the number matches up with the amount of puppies on that page. This book will be useful in teaching numbers in mathematics. This book is a good way to help young children learn numbers 1-10. Count along to ten with adorable puppies in this picture book. It all starts when one puppy wakes up, then more puppies join in on the fun. They tumble, roll, drink, piddle, chase, and much more. Another puppy joins in the fray with each new activity until dinner time. Then they slowly head to sleep, one at a time, counting down until they are all asleep. Of course, then it starts again the second one pup is up.A very simple premise and simply told story, this book is filled with toddler appeal. The ease of the story along with its galloping rhyme and rhythm make it irresistible. Chall’s grace with so few words is evident on each page, allowing the images to tell the story. Cole’s puppies are playful balls of fun, that young readers will be drawn to and relate to. The illustrations are wonderfully large and bright with plenty of white space, making them ideal for use with a group.Get those toddlers counting with these puppies and be ready for giggles when the piddle line appears. A delightful, light-hearted counting book appropriate for ages 2-4.
Do You like book One Pup's Up (2010)?
The puppies are soooo cute!! Four stars for the story, the fifth star for cuteness.
picture book, counting, rhyming, word play, great story told in pictures