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One Good Deed: 365 Days Of Trying To Be Just A Little Bit Better (2012)

One Good Deed: 365 Days of Trying to Be Just a Little Bit Better (2012)

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3.4 of 5 Votes: 3
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1419704176 (ISBN13: 9781419704178)
Harry N. Abrams

About book One Good Deed: 365 Days Of Trying To Be Just A Little Bit Better (2012)

I gave up on this book after reading about a months worth of 'good deeds'. It was just too shallow for me and most of the 'good deeds' are things that considerate, thoughtful people would do anyway. I was hoping for more enlightenment. I don't think basic consideration, politeness, or simple unselfishness should be considered a good deed. For instance, one day the good deed was giving up the window seat on a train/bus (the author apparently loves her window seat) so that an elderly couple could sit together. That's not a good deed to me. It's just basic decency and the proper thing to do. It's a sad world when that's considered a good deed, especially when the couple had to ask her - she was not so kind as to offer the seat to them. I don't believe random acts of kindness should have to be extraordinary all the time, but it was like the author wanted to be commended for doing basic human acts of decency. This book started on a July date and by September, I had enough of it. "One Good Deed" is Erin McHugh's account of how she spent one year doing at least one good deed per day. The 'good deed' in question didn't have to be something big or elaborate - it could be something as simple as calling up a friend to let them know she was thinking of them, handing over a cup of coffee to somebody in need, or even just biting her tongue and letting something go.While you could read "One Good Deed" in one sitting, it would really be doing it a disservice. To fully appreciate it, it is better read in small doses - a couple of days' worth here, a couple of days' worth there. That way the good deeds never get stale, and Erin McHugh is bound to put a smile on your face while reading it. It's such a breath of fresh air to read an entire book about somebody who's genuinely trying to be NICE - through no ulterior motive, but just because it seemed like a good idea.

Do You like book One Good Deed: 365 Days Of Trying To Be Just A Little Bit Better (2012)?

This book was great to read before going to bed. It warmed my heart and made me smile!

A delightful little book! So easy to read, and it made me smile!

The concept is great, but there is a lot of repeated sentiment.

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