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Mini Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Build Implements Of Spitball Warfare (2009)

Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Build Implements of Spitball Warfare (2009)

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4.24 of 5 Votes: 3
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1556529538 (ISBN13: 9781556529535)
Chicago Review Press

About book Mini Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Build Implements Of Spitball Warfare (2009)

Well written,Good instructions that are easy to follow, many of these projects are things that I remember making as a child out of crazy stuff around the house and around the grade school.I did have fun reading the book and looking at the plans in it, the person that had the most fun with it was my 10 year old who got me to make most of these projects with her.Mind you some of these things are a little more dangerous then perhaps little people should be playing with but it is still fun.Just remember a little blood never killed anyone, and apply pressure to the site if there is more then a little blood. My son Adam found this in the science section at our local independent bookstore, and I said, "This could be a dangerous book in your hands." (Adam has an obsession with wanting to blow things up and dismantle electronics.) We split the cost, and my husband had a blast building this stuff using items in our junk drawer. I found the book absolutely ingenious. The author is a professional toy designer and also wrote Cubical Warfare, another must-read. In the words of writer, William Gurstelle, "One must assert dominion over the desktop. Between the instructions provided in Austin's book and access to your office supply cabinet, you need tolerate no threat to the security of your cubicle."By Adam: This is my new favorite book. These mini-weapons really work. My friends love them and have paid me money to make them the "Simple Cross-bow" and "Concealing Book." I love the "Penny Bomb!" I did extra chores to get mega-supplies (giant bag of rubber bands, paper caps, etc.), and now I have all I need to create these mini "weapons" in a matter of minutes. See more of my reviews at Childress, Book Editor, Girls' Life Magazine

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Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Build Implements of Spitball Warfare by John Austin (2009)

Every young boy should have this book!

way too much fun to be had, :)

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