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Lucy Come Home (A Yada Yada Journey Of Hope) (2012)

Lucy Come Home (A Yada Yada Journey of Hope) (2012)

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4.25 of 5 Votes: 2
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0982054432 (ISBN13: 9780982054437)
Castle Rock Creative

About book Lucy Come Home (A Yada Yada Journey Of Hope) (2012)

Until reading this book for some reason I had always thought Lucy Tucker was black. I liked how the Jacksons alternated between Lucy's past and present, joining the two when she's reunited with her family after 60+ years. Normally when authors do that I get confused or lost and can't follow what's going on. This time everything was fluid and smooth. It was like two parallel roads that eventually intersected at the end.Always love a good spinoff of a series. You see what you read in another book from someone else's point of view. It reveals some why's about Lucy's reactions seen in the Yada Yada series. I was entranced while reading Lucy Come Home by Dave and Neta Jackson. I can't wait to share it with Granny M. She will really love reading this on our big ol front porch. That is her favorite place to read. It was wonderful to not only read the current story of Lucy but also her back story to understand how she became ensnared into her life. It made me thing of the paths I have taken. Looking back I wonder if I could pick and choose then which ones would I have avoided. Then if changing one of them would keep me from my current life would I change a thing at all? It is interesting to think about. Dave and Neta have really mastered the art of writing feelings. I know that I often would be choked up as if I had been crying when Cindy was tearing herself apart trying to understand just why life had to be so very hard. I loved that she tried to always live with intergity.

Do You like book Lucy Come Home (A Yada Yada Journey Of Hope) (2012)?

I love the Yada Yada books, and fully enjoyed Lucy's life story!

Love this series and reading Lucy's story was great

Nice to know Lucy's back story

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