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It's A Secret! (2009)

It's a Secret! (2009)

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3.69 of 5 Votes: 3
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0763642754 (ISBN13: 9780763642754)
Candlewick Press

About book It's A Secret! (2009)

This story is talking about a cat bring a little to a party’s story. There has a cat called Malcolm. He lives in the Marie Elanie’s house. One day Marie came down to kitchen, she saw Malcolm dressed up in very fancy clothes and a hat. Marie asked him where he was going, Malcolm told him he was going to a secrete party. Marie put her party dress and got small. When they walked through the street more and more friends joined their team. Then, they all wanted to go to party with them. During this time, the dogs started chasing them. Malcolm brought them to a very high staging. So, the dogs could not chase. After a long adventure, they finally arrived at a place on the rooftops, where the party started. They saw lots of cats. The cats were very nice to them. Later, they met the queen of the cats. Before they go cat queen give Marie a rat to be the present. When they came back, they saw the dog chasing them. So, they very carefully avoided them and got away. This is a fiction story about a cat bringing a little girl to their party. It imagines that human’s party is different from cat’s party. The design is very good, full pages with pictures and only one corner with three or four line sentences. It’s very suitable for young kids. The picture is simple and easy and it uses white as background color. White means calmness and peace. So it’s a very good book for bed story. The whole book design is also simple and easy. I highly recommend this book for the parents and their kids. For some reason there seem to be a lot of new books about where animals go at night? A cosmic inspiration has struck! This version of where a cat goes at night is mixed for me...I find the illustrations interesting in their homage to the fine arts and some obvious masters, but the story, again, falls flat for me. I guess I'm a bit picky. The students were flat on this one too....nothing special for anyone, I guess.

Do You like book It's A Secret! (2009)?

Sheer Delight! Burningham never disappoints. Text and art are magical.

Marie Elaine follows her cat on a night escapade. Cool art. OK story.

Booklist 2009 Editors' Choice

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