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How To Shop For Free: Shopping Secrets For Smart Women Who Love To Get Something For Nothing (2010)

How to Shop for Free: Shopping Secrets for Smart Women Who Love to Get Something for Nothing (2010)

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0738214566 (ISBN13: 9780738214566)
Da Capo Lifelong Books

About book How To Shop For Free: Shopping Secrets For Smart Women Who Love To Get Something For Nothing (2010)

I think this book is awesomesauce. I've been reading a lot of books that are similar to it but this one was right on the money! No pun intended. I've been putting these practices to use and saving money on groceries and drug store purchases. With a little more practice and dedication to this art I'm sure I can score free groceries and more for my household! This book breaks it down and makes it simple and easy to understand. Covers a wide variety of stores such as Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target, Stop and Shop, Shaws, Market Basket, CVS and many more. What I liked most about this book is that the author is from my homestate of Massachusetts which means the opportunities included in this book are available to me. In the past I've read "coupon" books that included store scenarios for major food chains that are not in the North East so I couldn't participate. Kathy is super clever to have come up with all the money making and freebie getting scenarios covered in these pages. She teaches you how to use Ebay and how to score free brand name clothes from places like Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy and more. I've been on a coupon kick lately, one of the mom's at MOPS recommended I read How to shop for Free.... I grabbed it at the library this week and read it in a little over day. It was a quick read, and I knew the bulk of the principals. I didn't care for the last half of the book -- where she talked about how she buys items on clearance and sells them full price on eBay. To me? that's not getting something for free -- that's purchasing it and then making a profit. But it was never free. (Just my opinion though. )

Do You like book How To Shop For Free: Shopping Secrets For Smart Women Who Love To Get Something For Nothing (2010)?

Really enjoyed a lot of the tips she gave...though enjoyed the Krazy Coupon Lady's book better.

These strategies are not new. I learned most of these (not eBay) from my mom when I was a kid.

Very Helpful!

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