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High School Hangover (2012)

High School Hangover (2012)

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3.5 of 5 Votes: 2
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Stephanie Hale

About book High School Hangover (2012)

This could have been a great book if the main character would have kept her mouth shut for the whole book. Laney was such a dense whine bitch I wanted to slap and shake her from the beginning till the end off the book. Jack was a real nice guy and had a lot of respect for him for staying with Laney. I would have dumped her ass a long time ago and find a nice girl. The way Laney talked about her dad was like a 12 year old. She was not brave or loyal.If you want to read a great book you should read : From what I remember. The premise of this book was good, but the execution of it was not. The main female character was judgemental, obnoxious, looked down on everyone etc. I hated the main character in this book. The hero was great, caring, protective etc. and was a decent guy. Not one thing about the heroine convinced me she was actually lovable - seemed unbelievable that she was supposed to be some kind of genius and was too stupid to see what was going on around her. And I could find no real redeeming qualities in the Heroine to make the Hero actually like her let alone fall in love with her. Also the bus trip with the seniors which should have been longer and more life affirming/changing was glossed over and unexciting. There was no real depth to this short story. thought it would get better as it went on, but it never did. If it had been longer than it was I would have quit reading it.

Do You like book High School Hangover (2012)?

Quite cute! I love uptight Laney as she slowly unwinds with Jack. The senior citizens were a riot!

4.5 stars - though it was a little silly, it had me laughing almost non stop!

Sweet, touching, and very, very funny!

Rating: 3.5/5Review coming soon!

3.5 stars

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