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Extravagant Grace: God's Glory Displayed In Our Weakness (2013)

Extravagant Grace: God's Glory Displayed in Our Weakness (2013)

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1596384492 (ISBN13: 9781596384491)
Presbyterian and Reformed

About book Extravagant Grace: God's Glory Displayed In Our Weakness (2013)

Life- changing & life-giving! This is the book my guilt-laden heart has longed for! Her wholistic explanation of the purposes of remaining sin and emphasis on the loving hope we have in Jesus has quenched my personal floggings and is softening my heart in amazing ways! And her care and concern for the weaker brother is something every believer needs experience! But she very clearly is not reveling in or celebrating sin but rather putting all the focus on Jesus! This is an amazing book by Barbara Duguid. I have never read more freeing sentences, the reason being is, they all are from Scripture! If you are a self righteous, legalistic, religious person.. Take heart and be free from that bondage. Extravagant Grace will open your eyes to the wonder and amazing nature of the gospel. If you struggle with sin, the same sin or if you constantly are beating yourself up for your failures, read this book! It will be a refreshing drink to your thirsty soul! Thank you Barbara Duguid for such a wonderful and worship filled work.

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Loved this book! God truly spoke to my soul through this book. I want to read it again and again!

I really liked this book... It would be great to order about 50 of them and hand them out!

Yeah, this is what Christianity is.

Helpful, I think.

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