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Ask Elizabeth: Real Answers To Everything You Secretly Wanted To Ask About Love, Friends, Your Body... And Life In General (2011)

Ask Elizabeth: Real Answers to Everything You Secretly Wanted to Ask About Love, Friends, Your Body... and Life in General (2011)

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0399254498 (ISBN13: 9780399254499)
Putnam Juvenile

About book Ask Elizabeth: Real Answers To Everything You Secretly Wanted To Ask About Love, Friends, Your Body... And Life In General (2011)

I received this book a few years ago as a gift and had no interest in reading it, for the simple reason that self-help books never "helped" me or taught me anything. Today, I decided to skim through it because I was bored, and I ended up reading it from cover to cover. Elizabeth Berkley offered so much intelligence, positivity, and valuable lessons in this book, all with poise and grace. It's obviously targeted towards teenagers, but honestly, I think females of all ages could learn something from this because it includes such a wide variety of topics, and so many different point of views from the contributors. Overall, an excellently created read that inspired me to always focus on the bright side - and that there always is one. I decided to read the book 'Ask Elizabeth'by Elizabeth Berkley because my mum had bought it for me and thought I might find it helpful because it is all about teenage girl problems, family, love life, body image and more! It was a very long read but I really enjoyed it and would recommend to any teenage girl who is struggling with any of the issues above which I'm sure majority of us are! This category completes the diary/auto biography/biography category of the bingo board. I was allowed to choose this novel for this category although technically speaking, it is more of an advice book but it is Non-Fiction and a great read! Even though it was very long and took me ages to read, it is definitely worth it and has made me see things from a different perspective and has changed my attitude towards many things. There was no character in this novel. Everything said/written in this novel is from 'Elizabeth Berkley' who answers many teenage girls life questions and endless troubles to do with Body Image, Friends, Family, Love Life and way more! She did collect girls comments, questions and stories and put them in so readers can see that teenage girls are all experiencing the same thing and similar experiences and all think similarly. We all would change things about ourselves, we all argue with family members, we all have fights with our friends. But as well as showing stories, it also shows girls responses, how they deal with it and their advice. It is actually really helpful! I didn't think that this novel would help me so much and think differently! There wasn't a particular quote that really inspired me but a certain section of the book did as it was organized into different categories for different topics. The category I liked the most was the Self Esteem one. I never knew how critical we can actually be on ourselves. Everyone see's us as normal or pretty but we can criticize every single thing about ourselves we may not like but no one else might not even notice it. I found it inspiring when Elizabeth wrote about changing what you say about yourself. Instead of focusing on negatives, focus on the positives. this is only one small part of that section but the whole section definitely my favourite section.From this auto biography/non fiction book, I have learned to many things to count! I didn't realise how girls think so similarly and how we are so critical and I learned other girls stories and experiences which have helped e not to make their mistake.

Do You like book Ask Elizabeth: Real Answers To Everything You Secretly Wanted To Ask About Love, Friends, Your Body... And Life In General (2011)?

A good self help guide for teen and pre-teen girls. Would have liked to see some edgier topics.

I loved the collage backgrounds throughout the book. Excellent read for any teen girl.

Even though I'm not a teen, it still helped.


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