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An Adventure In Beginnings (2013)

An Adventure In Beginnings (2013)

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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book An Adventure In Beginnings (2013)

So wonderful! I was just starting to think that this year's LHNB event was pretty average and not at all eartshaking when I hit a great streak of slow-paced, introspective and just plain delicious stories.This is my first romance story involving characters over 50 years old.In this one, both MCs have lost their life partners and are trying to find someone to build something new with. These elements are the reason why it's a slow story, despite its shortness, more about getting to know someone and understanding how they work and live than getting down and dirty and discovering lurve.There's this thread of - a sort of mellow tension, if that makes any sense, all throughout the story, that kept me waiting for the release. And, gee, even the sex was excruciatingly slow and introspective, and it was totally marvellous.A story of self-discovery, moving on and finding a new, just as good as the first, love - as cheesy as all this may sound, I loved it. It left me with a light ache in my heart and a smile on my lips, and that's the best I could've asked for. 4.5*What a great addition to the LHNB stories. So seldom are stories written about more mature MCs. Both George and Tyler are well into middle age, past 50 and have lived a life full of ups and downs already.Tyler lost his wife, whom he loved very much, he has grown children and grandchildren, George served in Vietnam and brought back a bad knee and memories.Tyler, a few years after his Emily's death, on the anniversary of her death to be exact, and after realizing his growing interest in men goes to a LGBT fundraiser.It's there he meets George. I loved how they start so slow, a dinner here and a dinner there, holding hands and then a few kisses.I thought it was all beautifully told. Tyler's guilt, even if he knows he shouldn't be, his children's understanding, and George's patience. As well as Tyler's caring for George and his pain.I loved how they slowly started meeting and melting their family and friends, all very believable and real. A little gem that definitely deserves to be read and enjoyed.

Do You like book An Adventure In Beginnings (2013)?

What a well written, mature love story. This was a delight to read.

I loved this one and it was great to see older MC's . So sweet ;-)

George and Tyler - discovering a new side of himself after Emily

Great story about an older couple.

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